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Ampicillin&Cloxacillin Capsule 250mg:250mg

Time : 2021-08-16 Hits : 405

Ampicillin&Cloxacillin Capsule 250mg:250mg

Q. How long does Ampicillin+Cloxacillin takes to work?

Usually, Ampicillin+Cloxacillin starts working soon after using it. However, it may take some days to kill all the harmful bacteria and make you feel better.

Q. Can I stop taking Ampicillin+Cloxacillin when I feel better?

No, do not stop taking Ampicillin+Cloxacillin and complete the full course of treatment even if you feel better. Your symptoms may improve before the infection is completely cured.

Q. What is Ampicillin+Cloxacillin used for?

Ampicillin+Cloxacillin is used to treat patients with bacterial infections. It is a semi-synthetic derivative of the drug penicillin. It is used to treat urinary tract and respiratory tract infections, meningitis, gonorrhea and infections of the stomach or intestine.

Q. Can I take Ampicillin+Cloxacillin if I am allergic to penicillin?

No, do not take Ampicillin+Cloxacillin if you are allergic to penicillin. Make sure that you inform your doctor about your allergy.

Q. Which medicines should be avoided while taking Ampicillin+Cloxacillin?

Ampicillin+Cloxacillin should be avoided with methotrexate which is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and some forms of cancer. This is because combining the two medications can cause some serious side effects.