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Kururama, kukwana uye kuenderana nenguva kweruzivo Isu hatisi mhosva yekurongeka uye kukwana kweruzivo pawebhusaiti. Kuvimba kwese pazvinhu zviri pawebhusaiti ino kuri panjodzi yayo. Unobvuma kuve nemhosva kune chero shanduko kune ruzivo uye ruzivo pane ino webhusaiti.

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Unotenderwa kuwana iyi webhusaiti, kukopa zvinyorwa (mareferensi), zvidhinde kuhard drive yako kana kuzvitumira kune vamwe. Chinongodiwa chete ndechekuti unofanirwa kuchengetedza kodzero dzese, zvimwe zviziviso zvevaridzi, uye zviziviso zvechiratidzo zvinoonekwa pakopi. Kuburitswa kwechero chikamu chewebhusaiti hakugone kutengeswa kana kugovaniswa zvekutengesa, kana kugadziridzwa kana kuwedzerwa kune mamwe mabasa, zvinyorwa kana mawebhusaiti.

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Shandisa iyi webhusaiti panjodzi yako.

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Ndokumbira utarise kuti mamwe matunhu haabvumidze kusabatanidzwa kwezvisungo zvewaranti, saka kumwe kusabatanidzwa kunogona kusashanda kwauri, ndapota tarisa mitemo yemunharaunda yako.

Isu tinochengeta kodzero yekumisa, kumisa kana kumisa kuwana kwako webhusaiti ino kana chero maficha ewebhusaiti ino chero nguva pasina chiziviso.

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Kushandisa webhusaitiKunze kwekunge zvataurwa neimwe nzira, iyi webhusaiti ndeyekushandisa iwe pachako uye haisi yekutengeserana. Iwe haugone kupa vamwe mvumo yekushandisa iyi webhusaiti;

Isu tinochengeta kodzero, pakufunga kwedu chete, kuongorora, kugadzirisa, kufambisa kana kudzima chero chinhu chinoratidzwa kana kutumirwa paWebhusaiti kana bhodhi rayo pasina chiziviso;

Iwe haugone kugadzirisa, kukopa, kusetazve, kudhindisa, kurodha, kutumira, kutumira kana kugovera chero Zvishandiso, kusanganisira kodhi uye software paSiti, chero nzira;

Unobvuma kusashandisa chero zvinyadzi, zvinosvibisa zita kana kukurudzira, uye usatumira chero zvinhu zvinosvibisa zita, zvinonyomba, zvinoshungurudza, zverusaruraganda kana ruvengo pawebhusaiti ino. Unobvuma kushandisa webhusaiti ino chete maererano nemutemo.

Iwe une basa rekuona kuti chero chinhu chaunopa paSiti kana kutumirwa paBulletin Board kana Forum kana kumwewo hachityore copyright, trademark kana imwe yako kana chero yechitatu bato kodzero.

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Kana ukasatevedzera zviri pamusoro apa, tinochengeta kodzero yekumisa kana kumisa kuwana kwako webhusaiti ino, vangave vakatumira chiziviso panguva dzakasiyana pawebhusaiti.

Chibvumirano chekuvanzika uye kuvanzikaYou agree not to disclose, copy, use, directly or indirectly provide any confidential information that is sold or disclosed to any third party and disclosed by NINGBO FEIYUE TRADING CO.LTD. This will be marked as “confidential information” or similar, including proprietary materials, processes and techniques related to future product or service concept review and testing in online or offline surveys or discussions.